Radical Left Fired Too Soon and Created Its Own Tet Offensive

Before we start here’s some background on this heroic congressman.

Rep. Dr. Mark Green.

In 1986, Green graduated from the United States Military Academy, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in quantitative business management. In 1987 he earned a master’s degree in systems management from the University of Southern California. From 1987 to 1990, Green served as an infantry officer in the United States Army. His first duty assignment after graduation from the US Army Ranger School was with the 194th Armored Brigade at Fort Knox. There he served as a rifle platoon leader, scout platoon leader, and battalion adjutant for an infantry battalion. After the Infantry Officer’s Advance Course, then-Captain Green served with the 82nd Airborne Division as an airborne battalion supply officer and rifle company commander.

Following a traumatic event in which a team of surgeons and critical care doctors saved his father’s life, Green requested that the Army send him to medical school. He attended the Boonshoft School of Medicine at Wright State University, graduating with a Doctor of Medicine in 1999. He did his residency in emergency medicine at Fort Hood, Texas. After his residency, Green was selected to serve as the flight surgeon for the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.

As a special operations flight surgeon, Green served a tour of duty in the Afghanistan War and two tours of duty in the Iraq War. He was the special operations flight surgeon during Operation Red Dawn, the military operation that captured Saddam Hussein. Green interrogated Hussein for six hours.[1][6] After his military service, he authored a book, A Night With Saddam, detailing the capture and interrogation of Hussein and his service with the Army’s elite aviation unit. Green was honorably discharged from the Army in 2006.

For his service, Green was awarded the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the Army Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters, the Achievement Medal with three oak leaf clusters, the Air Medal with the V Device for valor under heavy enemy fire while rescuing British Special Operations forces wounded near Fallujah, and the Combat Medical Badge, among other awards. He also earned the Air Assault Badge and the Flight Surgeon Badge during his service.

Rep. Mark Green@RepMarkGreen

Rep. DR. Mark Green represents the 7th Congressional District of Tennessee. He serves on the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs committees.

The chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, Mao Zedong, wrote that there are three phases to an insurgency. While the ideas of one of the most brutal tyrants in history should be left in the ash heap of history, some of his teachings have been followed to a tee in some corners of this country.

The first phase in sparking an uprising is the cultivation of a message, which the radical left has been doing as early as the days of Saul Alinsky, if not earlier. The central message of the left today is that America’s institutions—and Western civilization as a whole—are structures of oppression that must be entirely deconstructed to make way for a new progressive social order.

The second phase is centered on controlling the propagation of information. The liberal establishment has long been dominant in the education and media establishments, but the left’s complete control of the institutions has reached new heights in recent years.

From indoctrinating the young with critical race theory to calling parents “domestic terrorists,” the education system now disseminates propaganda instead of teaching students to be productive and patriotic citizens.

Similarly, we have seen censorship rise to new levels on social media, as those who counter the progressive elite’s narrative are silenced. The selective canceling of anyone who doesn’t engage in groupthinkundermines the core of what makes this nation great.

Once enough people have been indoctrinated, the third phase starts: direct conventional warfare. The left has moved quickly into this third phase since President Joe Biden’s victory one year ago—but perhaps too quickly.

From taxpayer-funded abortions on demand to defunding the police, from their $3.5 trillion social engineering boondoggle to indoctrinating our children with critical race theory, the Democrats—like the North Vietnamese in 1968—tried to move into phase three too soon. They struck before enough people have been indoctrinated.

The insurgent force of the North Vietnamese, the Viet Cong, staged massive attacks against South Vietnam in 1968. The Viet Cong forces were destroyed by the South Vietnamese and U.S. military forces. 

For the remainder of the war, the North Vietnamese Regular Army conducted the fighting. While the parallels are not perfect, the clear similarity is the Viet Cong chose to move into phase three—direct warfare—too soon. It failed. 

Unfortunately for the freedom-loving people of South Vietnam, America, and specifically the U.S. Congress, withdrew its support for the fight. Seven years later, Saigon fell.

Our nation witnessed the liberal progressives’ version of this Tet Offensive on Nov. 2. The left’s advancement into the third phase prematurely resulted in the decisive victory in Virginia, along with the failure of the “defund the police” ballot measure in Minneapolis, one of the bluest cities in America.

Of course, New Yorkers elected a former police officer as mayor. Perhaps it was their hatred of former President Donald Trump, or perhaps they realize their control of Congress is tedious at best and soon coming to an end.

Regardless, because of the left’s premature and extreme overreach, the American people were awakened and thus able to end their efforts to create their socialist utopia, for now.

But as in Vietnam, we won a great battle through their premature move to phase three of their insurgency. However, the war is not over—and our fight for this great nation must and will continue.

Originally published at Thee Daily Signal. Reproduced with permission.